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Chemistry of Base

A base, in chemistry, is a substance that can accept protons (H+) or donate pairs of electrons. Bases are often characterized by their ability to neutralize acids, producing salt and water in a chemical reaction called neutralization. Bases are the opposite of acids and are essential components of the pH scale, which measures the acidity or basicity of a solution. They can also change the color of certain indicators, such as turning red litmus paper blue.


Formation of base

Bases are formed through various processes, and their formation depends on the specific compounds and reactions involved. Here are a few common ways in which bases can be formed:

  • Dissociation of Ionic Compounds
  • Reaction of Metal Oxides with Water
  • Neutralization Reactions 

Properties of Base

Bases possess several characteristic properties that distinguish them from other substances. Here are some common properties of bases:

  • Bitter Taste: Many bases have a bitter taste, although this property is not always a reliable indicator.
  • Slippery or Soapy Texture: Bases, when dissolved in water, often exhibit a slippery or soapy feel.
  • Conductivity: Bases are generally good conductors of electricity when dissolved in water or in molten state.
  • pH Greater than 7: Bases have a pH value higher than 7 on the pH scale.
  • Reaction with Acids: Bases and acids react with each other in a chemical process called neutralization.
  • Color Change with Indicators: Bases can cause certain indicators, such as litmus paper, to change color. They turn red litmus paper blue and do not affect blue litmus paper.

These properties help us identify, classify, and understand the behavior of bases in chemical reactions and their practical applications in various fields.


Reaction of base with acid

When bases react with acids, a chemical process called neutralization occurs. Neutralization is a reaction that results in the formation of water and salt. Bases and acids combine to neutralize each other's properties, bringing the pH closer to 7, which is considered neutral on the pH scale. Here's an overview of how bases react with acids:

  • Base Accepts Protons: Bases have the ability to accept protons (H+ ions) from acids. This proton transfer occurs due to the presence of hydroxide ions (OH-) in bases. The hydroxide ions act as proton acceptors in the reaction.
  • Acid Donates Protons: Acids release protons (H+ ions) when dissolved in water. These protons are the key component of acids that make them acidic. The acid donates these protons during the reaction.
  • Formation of Water: The proton (H+) from the acid combines with the hydroxide ion (OH-) from the base to form water (H2O). This step helps neutralize the acidity of the acid and the basicity of the base.
  • Formation of Salt: The remaining ions from the base and acid combine to form a salt. Salt is an ionic compound composed of positive and negative ions. The specific salt formed depends on the types of cations (positive ions) and anions (negative ions) involved in the reaction.

The overall reaction can be represented by a general equation:

Base + Acid → Salt + Water

 For example, when sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a base, reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl), the following reaction occurs:

NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

 In this reaction, sodium hydroxide accepts the proton (H+) from hydrochloric acid, forming water (H2O), while sodium (Na+) from the base combines with chloride (Cl-) from the acid to produce sodium chloride (NaCl), which is the salt.

It's important to note that the reaction between bases and acids is stoichiometric, meaning the amount of base required to neutralize a specific amount of acid is determined by their respective chemical equivalents. The balanced equation represents the mole-to-mole ratio of the reactants and products.

The neutralization of acids by bases is a fundamental concept in chemistry and has practical applications in various fields, including medicine, industry, and environmental processes.


Reaction of base with metal

When a base reacts with a metal, it can result in the formation of hydrogen gas and a compound known as a metal salt. The reaction is commonly referred to as a base-metal reaction or an acid-base reaction, as the base acts as a proton acceptor while the metal acts as a proton donor. Here is a general equation to illustrate the reaction:

Base + Metal → Metal Salt + Hydrogen Gas

For example, let's consider the reaction between sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a commonly used base, and aluminum (Al), a metal:

2NaOH + 2Al → 2NaAlO2 + H2


In this reaction, sodium hydroxide reacts with aluminum to form sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) and hydrogen gas (H2). The base, sodium hydroxide, accepts protons from the metal, aluminum, resulting in the formation of the metal salt, sodium aluminate, and the release of hydrogen gas.

It's important to note that not all metals react with bases in the same manner or to the same extent. Some metals, such as alkali metals (e.g., sodium, potassium) and alkaline earth metals (e.g., calcium, magnesium), are more reactive and readily undergo base-metal reactions. Other metals, particularly transition metals, may not react with bases or may require specific conditions or additional reactants.


Some common examples of bases

There are several common examples of bases that are widely encountered in daily life and various applications. Here are some of them:

  • Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): Sodium hydroxide is a strong base and is commonly used in manufacturing processes, such as soap making, paper production, and the production of various chemicals.
  • Potassium Hydroxide (KOH): Similar to sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide is a strong base used in various industrial applications.
  • Magnesium Hydroxide (Mg(OH)2): This base is often used as an antacid to neutralize excess stomach acid and alleviate symptoms of indigestion or heartburn.
  • Ammonia (NH3): Ammonia is a common household base used in cleaning products.
  • Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2): Calcium hydroxide is used in agriculture to adjust soil pH and in construction materials, such as cement, mortar, and plaster.

These are just a few examples of common bases. Bases can be categorized into different types based on their strength, solubility, and other properties. Understanding the properties and behavior of bases is fundamental in chemistry and has numerous practical applications across various fields.


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