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Current Project Announcement

  As you know, we’ve already explored the fascinating world of fundamental chemistry and the foundational principles of physics. Maintaining an approach that is both informative and engaging. Today, I'm pleased to provide some updates on our exploration of the exciting world of science. Our journey thus far has taken us through chemistry and physics in our video series. If you are following us from the beginning, you know that we have already covered two video series of fundamental chemistry and one video series of fundamental physics. If you are visiting us for the first time, you can always check the palylisht on youtube. I am very thankful for all the response and encouragement from your side. In addition to our video content, I've had the opportunity to author three books, known as, “ Beyond Reaction Volume 1 ”, “ Beyond Interaction Volume 1 ” and “ Beyond Reaction Volume 2 ”. All these books are available on Amazon Kindle in eBook format. These books aim to offer addi